Sunday, July 28, 2013

defining times.

I want to remember these moments I am so closely acquainted to hopelessness.
These moments where the easiest & hardest thing is to give in to your fears.
Welcome to the death of your spirit.
This is what selling your soul to the devil is like. 
Turning over your thoughts, your emotions, imaginations & will
to fear and despair. 
Complete worthlessness.

These are the moments we must remember.
Because we aren't the only ones who come so close.
To death within life.
We must offer up our most vulnerable times, 
To the ones who need them.
Who need are significant moments,
To use as a foundation.
Because we were where they are once,
& we kept going.
Even though we could see no rhyme or reason
Blinded by weakness
We kept crawling.
Because God promised we always had a reason to.