Thursday, November 8, 2012

God vs. you

i want so bad to write something.
i don't know what i want to convey.
i have no idea what this even is.

a lot of that running around lately.
misplaced with no discipline.
can cause huge tragedy.

i want to give myself some credit.
but i deserve none.
dying to self,
might be the hardest obstacle to ever exist.
but it is the most necessary.
completely essential to health, wholeness & happiness.

not only were we raised to never go against the grain,
we were born for it.
it is our first nature, our instinct.

i think about every time i fail,
which is nearly a thousand times a day,
& get overwhelmed by how insufficient i am alone.
& how no one deserves my inconsistency.

& honestly while i can imagine the win, taste it even,
i have no idea the road in which i will have to travel to get there.

i want to take every day like a gift,
& no matter how bad i feel, i want to expect the best.
i want to be capable of giving until there is nothing left.
i want, therefore i do.

i think the failures are inevitable.
& once we come to a place where we can accept that, expect it even,
but know, that it doesn't matter,
that's when we become indestructible.
God doesn't need our help, He needs our trust.
He doesn't need perfection, He just needs you to be willing.

Want to, Try to, then Fail even,
it won't matter,
because God will turn your failures into wins.

you die to self when you stop trying & start trusting.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

what else

you test me in a way that makes me uncomfortable.
you defy all relatable logic.
& enough of us is brand new in my experience,

that i cant do this without help.
you completely require guidance.
but even then.
it. is. not. easy.

i worry about myself.
my own survival.
my own integrity.
my own reputation.
& i constantly think about what i'm putting on the line,
for a preference, turned dream, turned hope,
working towards necessity.

it. is. unreal.
but then again, what is.
i have this idea,
of what i think this should be like.
from what i think i see.
& then what i interpret.
but then again, how unreal is that.

i assess what gives me doubt.
what pulls me away,
& brings the thug out.
it's the pride.
my pride.
telling me of what i deserve,
when i deserve it,
& how.

but then i think on God.
my Father in heaven.
the creator of me. of you. of everything.
& how completely selfless He requires us to be.
& how our pride can be our death.
& how you are my completely, totally, utterly my preference.
& how genuine and sincere i'm being.
with myself when i say that.

so many times i dont know what else to do,
but pray.
ive completely give in
to what's alive within me,
surrounded by a culture,
that's okay with being less.
and then there's you.
& i want you to be my other person.
& that want,
makes me so vulnerable.

i'm not completely sure why you're the one.
but i don't even hesitate saying it.
where does this faith come from? why?
this can be so difficult.
completely frustrating.
even overpowering.
i don't want to deal alone anymore.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

thug passion. lol.

it's so easy to stay on the fence. 
give a little, take a little. 
instead of giving everything. 
holding happiness in what seems like defeat. 
looking past the now into an expected future, 
when the now looks so dang wack. 

the grace ive encountered makes it easy to give you up.
for now.
the God i know deserves it. desires it.
but this has also become a test of character. 
to swallow the desire to mourn, to be bitter, frustrated and fear-ful.
to not believe what God has said to me, 
and to be defeated. 

instead, finding the joy perfected by the pain. 
and consistently, constantly acting, talking, thinking, believing in love. 
expecting better than what has already come to pass. 
keeping my eyes on the prize more or less, 
while preparing for the victory. 

praying for you always, 
keeping you close at heart. 
but still far enough.
that my excellence, for now, 
excludes you. 

it's not over. 
& i will remain as if,
it is forever more. 

Saturday, June 2, 2012

peices of heaven.

Now to Him Who, by (in consequence of) the [action of His] power that is at work within us, is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly, far over and above all that we [dare] ask or think [infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams. Ephesians 2:20-21

the fulfillment of God's will,
requires God's presence all the time. 

when you step outside the presence of God,
to give-in to our selfish desires in flesh,
you jepordize everything God has for you.
You elongate the time you have to wait,
& you deny yourself a chance to strengthen your faith.

done with this.
shopping. functionin, smoking, drinking.

Jesus is my supreme source.
the King in my life.
He always has the last word in every thing that happens to me in my life.
regardless of the circumstance.
BUT ONLY, if I let Him.
Let His will be done.

calling those things that be not, as though they were.
expecting them to happen. relying on them.
not denying that they have not happen yet,
but it has already manifested in the future,
you simply have to wait on your arrival to that place. :)

dead end


i have to be the example for my relationship. 
i have to be the source in which the grace works through. 
but i cant be that when i'm entirely way too turnt. 

it's not so much about the judgement, 
as it is about the risk. 
what we're jepordizing when we alienate ourselves from the direction of God. 
which inevitably is what we're doing. 

God can only act on your behalf as He intends, 
when youre in the posistion He intends for you to be in. 

Why waste time using up God's mercy to cover up our deliberate shortcomings, 
instead of using His power to fulfill His purpose for us, 
on behalf of the Kingdom. 

the cost is too high, 
when it comes as an expense of not only you, 
but a kingdom in which you were meant to rule & reign. 

more than any other reason, 
God simply deserves our regard. 
we owe him for life, passion, oppurtunity, love. 
there's no greater feeling, than knowing you are pleasing to your creator. 
that while you constantly seek His unconditional love, 
you find unlimited favor with Him as well. 

because there has to be a reason, 
why God doesnt prefer to get lit.
something about it, that retracts from joy, 
kinda seems like, it's not what it seems. 
like it doesnt serve any productive purpose, 
so like, why do we always pursue it?

can we admit that we're weak. 
we get frustrated, we get prideful. 
we desire comfort, we feel we deserve it. 
it's our right to function,
to get lost in the sauce.

we're attempting to obtain a feeling, 
that ideally, God wants us to constantly live in purposfully. 
security and relief. fulfillment and joy. 
why trade that for confusion or regret. 
are we really that dense?
because we are running the risk. 
even if sometimes, aren't as bad as others. 

of course it's not easy, 
and while initially it might make sense, 
it's so easy for us to fall back into patterns, 
that constantly stare us down from our culture. 

so what are we holding on to?
culture or God?
isn't the sacrfice of the lesser worth 
working towards the greater, 
for the Greater
with the Greater?

Sunday, April 15, 2012

kingdom thoughts

i had this revelation at work that my mind couldn't figure out.
And while my desire is to always obey God,
I had a hard time determining his truth at that moment.
And then He spoke to me through words and revealed a vital truth.
The heart of you is your Spirit.
Your essential rootand being is in the part of you that resembles God,
the breath that he blew into you.
& sometimes your mind won't be able to comprehend this,
& our experience is unfamiliar.
we walk on faith,
the faith in the ultimate, conquering, prosperous Love God has for us.

"this is always how the enemey always pursues you. 
 manipulates my word to you, and condems you. 
 attempts to seperate you with vulnerable situations in your life. 

with law school. 
with munchkin. 
with your book. 

i have expressed many times my purposes for you, 
have inspired scriptures in your heart, 
proving to you that i am a partner in your labor. 

my grace and mercy avail much. 
and much higher are my ways than yours. 
there are things you do not understand, 
this can be considered unfamiliar territory. 
will you die here? 

your logic will be the death of your faith. 
and you are fortunate that you have understood this much. 
but do not take pride in your understanding, 
take it as favor. undeserving blessing. 
so that you may humble yourself, and not count on it, 
but rely on Me."

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


so much. 
all at once. 
not only are things always changing. 
so are we, so are our feelings.
motion sickness.
you lose track of the confidence you had to conquer. 
the truth of God never changes, but our circumstances do. 
this is why God must be our foundation. 
for his intentions include our win. 

our only change within should be growth in an unmoving truth.
we adapt to our circumstances, but within Gods standards. 
God's truth versus reality. 
separate the world from your internal. 
emotions precede weakness. 
as a girl, born and raised of the world. hard is an understatement. 
complete restructuring. thuglife. 🎀 

but it rewards in complete peace. 
positions in front of open doors.
and more doors, & more doors. 
doors we walk through. leaving some place for another.
we spend time building keys.
that open doors.
because our aim is always forward.

this consistent fear i have, 
masked with insecurity is ever returning. 
i can figure it out, but i can't escape it. 
it's this inevitable hold that's making my journey take 40 years.
sacrifice is the only thing that will conquer it.
denial of our deepest temptations. 
one by one we have been approaching them,
one by one, we defeat them. 
but this one, years in the making, 
& i have fed it enough, it consumes me. 
I'll lock it up, but I've never thrown away the key.
& it's root is attached to so many other flaws, 
so many other obstacles.
kill this one, kill them all. 
i don't even know how to begin the approach.
can't even fathom the victory; not willingly at least.

but it's inevitable. it's in my forward.n
it's another key.
completely manufactured from our willingness to endure.
keys open doors.

Monday, February 20, 2012

to the end

a relentlessness. 

to stand steadfast in the belief that youre made for a big purpose. 
that youre irriplacable, made with worth. 

that while you live, you live to learn.
seeking  growth, reaching for perfection.

adapting to change, developing in success. 

showing strength in love, 
stronger than violence. 

our actions represent our charachter. 
classy composure. 
quick to give, 
humbled by serving. 

acknowledging the glory of our creator.
the power set in us. 
to conquer and reign. 
you can keep the fame.


Sunday, February 5, 2012

taking the win!

essentially it's the war we're in. how faithful of a soldier will you be? He provides the armor. He guarantees the win. and we forget, that that is the only way. what do you want from life? being realistic about ups & downs. because you will have them. & with out understanding of the war you're in, your downs will out weigh your wins. you can't have your perverse way, your imperfect way, because you cannot save yourself by yourself. when we fall, the hope of God tugs on our will, & nudges at our feet. the will to live in God's Glory outweighs the temptation of the flesh. we're a spirit. why do we act so simple. 0_0 we demean ourselves constantly. falling far below the amazing power of God in us. and we go the long way around the bush, instead of looking inside. and closing the windows of the world, so you can hear your inside speak. we need focus, concentration, will & belief. simple minded creatures we act like. thinking you are far above confusion. not knowing what fasting brings. you will not hear or see God, if your still listening to the world. not taking anything away from you, but are actions are fueled more than 50% by our subconscious. so even when you think you're not following, or you're not consumed by, you are. you are what you eat. you are what you watch. & you are what you hear. what do you see & watch the most? & God does not compete. these things take away from our glory. they give us thoughts that do not sow righteousness. they make us ignorant of the power of our tounge. Faith is a law. the most sincere, fair & fulfilling law ever. it is for you. from your God. to learn, to study, to be all the way in it. created for you to win.

Friday, January 6, 2012

“Spiritually, I Was Bankrupt”

this man is amazing. his courage. his boldness. ugh. i admire him.
currently reading his book, Wretched, Pitiful, Poor, Blind.
honesty, sincerity, faith, <3
everything we could all use a bit more of.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

for you princess

just want to enunciate this phenomenon I've figured out. 

because there's this hold over me. 
as a girl, as a women. 
this desire to be lead, by someone I've chose.

not because my hunger is absent. 
my will to work is present. 
but fueled by something more than survival, 
this is more about preference. 
comfort zones.
my most natural one. 

this void is filled when that relationship exist. 
you give direction to my giving. 

as women i feel we are bred to give. 
to support and encourage. 
to nurture and reassure. 
we are the comfort in life, 
the bread men war for. 

intimacy is natural. 
we desire connection. 
someone to feel responsible for.
a direction for our giving. 

this is hard to admit. 
that you can be apart of my dependency. 
that i want you to be apart of what I'm dependent on. 

so that i can always have you in the back of my mind. 
something that i have, no longer something that i want. 
because its always one of the two. 

this part of nature is always takin out of context.
always exploited, always abused.
so we have to be conscious of the game, 
even though we chose not to play.

everything we are is apart of our value.
as soon as you sell for less than its worth,
you lose apart of yourself.
cold world trying to get it back.