my parents.
i feel like this could be hard. or maybe really simple.
just the idea of summing up our relationship & my feelings...
it seems so much to consider. &; i dont want to miss anything.
but maybe we should leave the past in the past.
were all too familiar.
and well never really forget, it is what brought us here today.
this is for all of my parents.
a little bit of all of you contributes to who i am.
i can see the root of some characteristics so clearly.
& i love that.
that tradition, that trait, something we share,
that withstands time.
and a lot of what i am,
is a lot of what your not.
i recognize where you fall short,
its what created my voids, brought about vulnerabilities,
but with time, ive filled those as well.
and forgave you for the extra work youve caused me.
but that is life.
and i appreciate God for thinking my existence is worth creating.
& i thank God that he chose you to escort me into this world.
I want my children to know you.
see what i see in you.
want them to know they have the best grandparents ever.
my man, he will thank you! immensely!
for creating a women like me.
For creating three amazing women!
Hey yall there, yeah yall, Job Well Done!
xoxo, Ashley Avery.