God told me that you arent the same person anymore. & that i should start treating you that way.
trust was definitely my biggest issue.
but ive always known there was a reason my spirit picked you. something about you and jessica and how we develop over time is so similar to something that is in me.
ive never doubted your ability.
your perspective, and your will... yes.
fortunately though, that can always change.
God has destined you to be bigger then you know.
& that has always been in your character.
its just, youve never acted on it.
the devil did everything to keep you from knowing that side of you.
but, everything the devil does is temporary.
none of it is substantial enough to last forever.
and God never let go of you.
through me, he's always had his eye on you,
waiting patiently.
i didnt believe you could be helped this quickly.
but it only makes sense.
what God had given you was huge, progressive.
(which is why the devil invested so much into you)
so naturally, when you decide to look God's way,
& really indulge.
your going to move in the right direction, fast. :)
i never thought you were going to church for me.
it wouldnt have mattered, it wouldnt have worked.
but i see you indulging, intaking what you hear.
& the stuff your hearing is incredible.
i know you, so i see that.
...and your right, actions do speak loud.
& youve chosen to act on what you hear,
i see that.
& you know me, my criticism, beliefs, ideas...there all divine.
so i think of what your becoming, what your doing, very highly!
your amazing me.
your will to indulge, and to see God act on his promise,
...that even if you go towards him just a little, he will meet you more then halfway.
to anyone else, your transition might not seem like a miracle.
but i know what it really is. & God's grace is falling all over you. :)
i can say this to you, because ive chosen to step back.
and now all i see of you is the divine part.
the time we share in church.
& i know that, that is the most important part of you.
so anything else that your doing, that may not coincide with God's will,
it wont last much longer.
so i want to remind you,
that patience is a virtue.
God knows more then you.
& He made you.
so more then anyone or anything,
He knows what you need,
& He knows what you want.
& He wants those same things for you too.
if you let Him, anything God wants, He will have. :)
so ill always forgive you,
not only because im a christian,
but because life's at its best that way.
this will be a slow process,
but that allows us to marinate within it.
within God,
our relationship will only get better. :)
i love you soldier. :)
cute little tough soldier. :)