Saturday, July 11, 2015

Letting God Lead : In-Relationships

being okay with it not going your way.

first and foremost, i’m blessed. 
my life is blessed. 
& sometimes i get selfish & high-strung, 
as if i, solely, am responsible for how blessed my life is. 
& sometimes i begin to think, 
regarding all things, 
that i know what’s best for me & my life. 
that’s a joke if i ever heard one.

now look, 
Jesus has turned me into an optimist. 
even when i come across challenges & tragedies, 
i know that God has & will turn it into something amazing. 
my character after experience in living this life, 
is testimony to that fact. 
…this is the basis of why i refer to my life as blessed.

back to me thinking i know how my life should be….
let’s say God gave me a good thing, 
& with God, through God, I cultivate that good thing, 
as God intended, 
into a great thing. great for the thing, great for me, & great for God. 
but then. 
i start feeling’ myself. like aww, shxt, i’m the shxt. 
& while that is true, 
it wasn’t on my terms. 
it wasn’t something i thought, planned, & brought to my doorstep. 
I let God lead me there, 
I prayed to God for the strength, for the creativity, the patience. 
so when exactly, did this become my plan, extracting God?

i say that to say, 
that even in relationships, 
relationships especially, 
as a girl, i can get carried away. 
start creating this perfect plan in my head, 
about how me and my partner will cultivate this amazing relationship. 
& then comes all these expectations, 
false ones, not based in real truth but fantasy, 
that i place on not only myself, but my partner. 
then it’s all downhill from there. 
i didn’t even create my own life, i let God do that, 
so what makes me think i can create a perfect one that includes another imperfect human being? 
that’s unrealistic.

so i’ve cancelled my expectations, 
not my standards. God gave us those to protect us. 
but expectations for a perfect relationship & those involved, yes. 
i’ve never even been in a perfect relationship, 
how would i even know what that looks like?

but i do trust God. 
so much so, 
that i know He will cultivate a relationship, 
that is perfect for me. 
& only He knows the inside of another’s heart, 
their motivations, their secret desires, 
He knows info, i could never. 
so He will be my filter.

because look, these nxgguhs, …and me, is crazy.