what can get in-between, a pose as a distraction.
that thing that starts off small, and continues to grow.
widens the distance.
what vice will this be?
will you be conscious?
will you be aware of the decision you just made,
to alter your attention?
or will it breath to condem you later?
find yourself with no light,
wondering why your in the dark.
you see, they wont tell you,
but i will.
they beat around the bush like this here.
call it life, and i guess it can be,
but they make the choice sound inevitable.
as if there is no control.
at first, its yours,
but most of the time we hand it over.
we give our days to our surroundings, our culture.
instead of keeping them for ourselves.
& in the end, thats giving up the win,
turning over to defeat.
there goes the separation.
i do this.
give in to the sunshine outside my window.
instead of the one bright in my heart.
theres that separation.
you see, because the sun outside.
it goes down. giving way to darkness.
this is inevitable.
but your part in it doesn't have to be.
dont give in to that separation.
i wish i could be bigger faster.
wiser now. endure harder.
it kills me. being patient in weakness.
i hate waiting. i hate waiting.
i really hate waiting.
i cant see the benefit, the endurance patience brings.
but i trust in something bigger than me.
& He has given me no choice.
so i take what i have, & hold it close,
as i wait this journey out,
that i am putting myself though this week.
my attempt at closing the separation,
& my faith that He will fill in the gaps.
<3 comeback queen