Monday, August 29, 2011

Day 30 - Letter: your reflection

...when i talk to myself,
there is more than just me.
the spirit within me is alive
& through him protrudes the Word of God.
Effect via the Divine Cause :)

my new members balloon from church :)
Letter 30 - Your Reflection.

'who are you now? what direction is your heart leading you?
better question?
what is it you desire?
where do you want your heart to be?
what is your destination?
& what path do you wish to take?

you always have a choice,
but not without a fight.
This is a mandatory war & strategy is required for survival.
where shall your help come from? have you found a better supplier?

your not new to this fight, but your perception has changed.
the enemy has been revealed.
& while his moves cant be predicted
his attacks lack creativity.

but sometimes you forget
who your fighting for!

this is not a self-induced battle, that you choose
the war is inevitable, (but you will certainly reap the rewards)
but the victory has already been taken.
Now your faith must be proven.

There is only one option,
based on the ultimate desires of your heart.
to serve the one who has placed you first.
delivered you from the schemes of the one looking to detroy you.
who's hate is based on principle, no previous beef established.

but you are all too familiar with the other side.
you use to mingle through the fence.
selling yourself for a quick fix.
forsaking the one who has given the win.

your lack of loyolty
was damaging though,
& although you will win,
you have given room for the battle
to be much more demanding.
but only for the sake of your faith.

"Stay loyal to your soil, &
I will take care of the rest.
You will slip up, but ALWAYS aim
for perfection in me.
Remind yourself, that that is your one TRUE
desire. To find perfection in My eyes.

I will forever keep you,
always forgive you
& you will stay abundantly blessed.
Walk against the odds, for it is I who set those doors
in front of you. So that it will be,
only I who makes you through.
Your success will only come through me
& you will know and prove to be an example of what I desire."