remember this day. this day in which you felt like this. this unrestrainable urge to type. to remember. to paste a bit of time on a post it note. yes, alcohol accompanied this. && for that i feel like some drunk stereotypical idea of a melodramatic writer, in an tainted environment.
i say tainted, because i am not your average writer. i am a christian first. a jesus filled individual who has daily conversations with our God. && God let me know today, that i can no (know) longer play the fence. i.e i know now. for sure. it is written. :)
these objections that i feel. these powerful feelings of doubt. smh. all caused by playing with those things on the other side. uhhhmm. there is a fence there for a reason.
so dominique was there all along to show me this as well.
why try so hard to hold on to things,
you obviously really wish to let go from.
weed is on my side.
recklessness is not.
let go of all recklessness.
we are moving on.
p.s God has interrupted this reckless moment to bring us a valuable message. :)